Turn up the volume.
VH1's media kit fuses object and motion with storytelling. Using lenticular technology, the cover image is like a mini movie that shifts as you change angles - a subway train speeds by, and a person steps out.
The kit broadcasts the kinetic energy of life, television or music. A metaphor for the client's real-life message that "VH1 is everywhere; music is everywhere," it transcends the idea that a printed surface is a flat medium.
The kit is comprised of 10 items, including embossed vinyl bag, stationery system and one-sheets. Process images for the kit show a variety of innovative 2- and 3-D form, material and image explorations.
Recognition: Detroit AIGA Annual Exhibition

Above is the kit's lenticular cover that animates as you tilt it.

Co-designed with Liisa Salonen. Photos by Liisa Salonen, Summer Powell, Alex Braidwood, Eli Carrico, Karl Hermanns, Catherine Mouttet and John Stoll.